Erica jong
Erica jong

erica jong

Erica jong full#

People of color should be full members of society. Disabled people should not be mocked and should get the support they need to be full members of society. But do we really need a complicated word to express that? Clearly, we need equality of sexual preference, equality of physical power, equality of human rights. Obviously it is harder to live your life if you are poor. Obviously it’s harder to lead your life if you are disabled. Obviously it’s harder to reach equality when you are discriminated against as a black woman. It’s also not a good slogan - too academic.

erica jong

Millennial feminists are at last beginning to understand the societal changes we need to make women’s lives more equal. Backward America penalizes people who are poor or brown-skinned as if they were less than human. Backward America refuses to give women the support we need. Women in Denmark or Holland for example, already have health care, parental leave, and other necessary supports and yet they still realize that full equality is far away. In order to be mothers and caregivers and also have successful careers, we need societal support such as parental leave, health care, and other changes which many industrialized countries have already made. Jong: Millennial feminism is important because women must realize that our gains - birth control, hegemony over our own bodies, political rights - can always be taken back unless it is embodied in the law. OR: Do you have a strong view on millennial feminism? Following the Russian-rigged election of Donald Trump, the so-called POTUS, we are seeing a new surge of millennial feminism as young women realize we need the Equal Rights Amendment or we will never keep the gains we make. It began with the Enlightenment, continued through the abolition movement in the 19th century, reached a peak with women getting the vote in the early 20th century and rose to prominence again in the 1960’s and 70’s. Octavian Report: You are, put bluntly, an icon of second-wave feminism - what's your assessment of its successor movements?Įrica Jong: I wonder whether thinking of feminism in terms of waves is not self-defeating. But for the most part, when you fall into bed with a total stranger, it's a great disappointment.Erica Jong sees Trump as a fundamental threat to America. Occasionally you might fall into bed with a total stranger, and it is a beautiful fantasy. I think that, for the most part, we tend to be more sexual with somebody we feel comfortable with. First of all, I don't believe that the zipless "bleep" actually exists. I don't have that illusion, or delusion, anymore. It was a way of solving my problems and learning about myself. And I think that, in my 20s and early 30s, an existential journey appealed to me. I mean, the arc of the book is a picaresque journey - a woman going, leaving her husband and taking off with a very sexy British psychoanalyst, and they're traveling across Europe. I doubt that I would write the story today, of Isadora. On how she doesn't actually believe in the "zipless f - " But for the most part, when you fall into bed with a total stranger, it's a great disappointment. I don't believe that the zipless 'bleep' actually exists. One man said to me, "Whenever I saw that book on a woman's night table, I knew I was gonna get lucky." Over the 40 years, I've heard all kinds of things about the book. In the beginning, they were very threatened. On the effect of Fear of Flying on her male readers Scared to death, but also laughing hysterically and having a ball. And I was scared to death writing the book.

erica jong

When I read these books, I thought: But where are we? Why are we not writing about our feelings? I thought it was time to claim that territory for women. On Fear of Flying being billed as a feminine version of Philip Roth's 1969 Portnoy's Complaint You know, hippies were not invented in 1969. My parents were very sexual, and there was absolutely no question, in the household I grew up in, that sex was fun. But I have to say that I grew up in a very hip family. I married the man who I lost my virginity with. Michael Childers/Courtesy of Henry Holt and Co. In addition to her novels and books of poetry, Erica Jong has written two memoirs and edited an anthology of essays on sex written by women.

Erica jong